Integrity for Women

Integrity for Women is our way of sharing wisdom and healing combined with business saavy. True business success can be quantified by the impressions we leave upon upon our community, leaving it better than how we found it. This is our civic duty. True success can also be recognized in our ability to share the generosity life has bestowed upon us, whether financially, through teaching, and so forth. The women we employ receive mentorship, coaching, introductions and immersions into women’s mystery teachings, business coaching, and so much more. It is a safe place to thrive, grow, and then take flight into one’s destined course. This program hires women and trains them at the executive level in tandem with strengthening their confidence and determining their professional calling.

From day one of the company’s inception in 2012, Merissa had intended to employ and mentor women in a community type setting. Her personal underdog turned CEO story is relatable to many women in one way or another; having life-threatening childhood diseases, feeling disempowered, eating disorders in young adulthood, to then being a single parent at an early age. Her daughter inspired her to heal in order to support the two of them and thrive. This helped her integrate all she had learned and become the epitome of an empowered woman: a wayshower.

According to Maslow’s hierarchy, we cannot achieve our highest abilities or destiny if we are not sufficiently secure at the foundational level of existence. The ultimate gift is to teach others how to become empowered and dynamic contributors of society by owning it first within themselves. This quality then transfers itself into the nuclear family unit and trickles from there into the community.

*Currently this program is an internal one, but soon it will also be a community outreach where we hold seminars and workshops. All positions are currently filled for this program. We are hoping by the end of 2019 to extend the program into the local community via charities for the environment and women/children. All employment/program inquiries please email