The Mighty Maple -Why a whole food, whole chemistry sugar is a different experience
Ahh the maple tree. Such a gorgeous and generous tree being with palmate leaves similar to our own hands! A magical sap rich with bourbon flavors and sultry vanilla undertones at one of its darkest and most alluring grades for foodies; that of Dark A Robust (formerly known as the previous FDA grading scale grade of B leading to C). I would have to say that the most magical part of maple syrup is that these magnanimous flavors, when truly nature made and non-processed, taste as such because of their genetic makeup. Under that deep palate flavor profile lies a hidden treasure trove of trace minerals and vital nutrients.
Just a forewarning, I am going to get on my nerdy, passionate-foodie-longevity expert soapbox here now. I also have to preface this piece with some serious science-backed passion: Not all sugars are the same! Ya gotta know this -that we cannot write off a means of categorizing a nutrient, i.e acid, fat, sugar, salt etc, as just that. Each type of nutrient is a rabbit hole unto itself when we examine the source. These categories of chemical identities are not just simple black and white, good and bad food choices. Not all sugar is the same. Just like not all fats are the same. Our bodies break everything down into either a protein which eventually becomes a sugar, a fat which eventually becomes a sugar, or a sugar. The skin, organs, and our entire metabolic processes are based upon our receiving adequate levels of the right kinds of fats. If we break down all foods and their chemistry into sources of energy, we can start to see the parallels between real nutrition that are sources of energy versus empty calories.
I am the ultimate skeptic; I will research every available cache of medical articles or scientific journals both online and in musty dusty tangible print (my preference) until there is nothing new to learn on any given topic. How do you think I came up with these formulas? 🙂 My cacao formulas are the summation of the last 12 years of studying biochemistry, food chemistry, all in conjunction with physical fitness, our general metabolic processes at all stages of life, plus my getting into health at a young age due to near fatal auto-immune disorders. By young age, I mean 9 years old. With these genuine life experiences and legit hard-knock certifications I identify as an independent researcher and an alchemical food scientist. I claim it wholeheartedly and unabashedly. When you come to my site and see the flavors we have, you are getting glimpses of my life’s work presented in recipes.
Some call me a mad foodie genius or the female Willie Wonka. Would that be Winifred Wonka? Wilhemina Wonka? Hmmm. Back to the post. What is the most important to me in business and life is that the foundation of any endeavor is integrity, empowerment, authenticity, and transparency. I am the pickiest person when it comes to how I formulate my products, which is the whole basis of why I make my chocolate the way that I do. When we use ingredients that are whole and complete, and not stripped away or processed of vital nutrients, they are absorbed entirely differently by our bodies on a cellular level. This is why we are Integrity Cacao. We humbly and lovingly offer you the best nature has to offer, mixed up alchemically with precision and more love, delivered to you gorgeous, unadulterated and nutrient dense.
Maple syrup compared to white sugar
Pure maple syrup is unprocessed compared to the extensive factory operations for white or brown sugar. Sugar maple trees are tapped for their sap, the sap is boiled down as a decoction which transforms the maple from a liquid to a syrup. The darker the grade from the old scale, like B, C, or D, means less filtration, means darker color, means more trace minerals and other vital elements.
Sugar can be made from sugar cane or sugar beets (mostly GMO beets now bc it is cheap for producers) and requires a large amount of processing. The cane or beets are made into a slurry with hot water, then boiled and smashed to create a pulp. Various chemicals may be used at different stages of the refining processing including lime, diatomaceous earth, or phosphoric acid. The potion is then filtered, separated, and bleached using carbon, bone char or an ion exchange system. The sugar crystals are the final result of this process once the water has been evaporated.
Minerals in Maple versus minerals in sugar
There are no vitamins or minerals remaining in sugar once the extensive refining process has been completed. Maple syrup contains a variety of percentages of trace minerals, listed more comprehensively below. Dark maple syrup contains small amounts of calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper and manganese. These minerals play essential roles in your body, including cell formation, immune support, maintaining healthy red blood cells, keeping bones and teeth strong, regulating muscle contractions and balancing fluids.
Other sweeteners on the market and why we do not use them
Let’s get into the pith of maple syrup, the real juicy chemistry of why it is different. You know me, the pun is always intended. A little more science for inquiring and open minds. For this next bit, I am going to actually step aside and let the experts handle the chemistry of maple syrup. Take it away, Bascom Farms, fabulous organic farms in New Hampshire and my hand-picked maple syrup supplier:
Sugars are an important source of energy. The main sugar in pure maple syrup is sucrose, which is the sole sugar in the Grade A Light Amber grade syrups. The darker grades of syrup contain a small and variable amount of fructose and glucose. In order of sweetness, sucrose is less sweet than fructose, but sweeter than glucose.
Maple syrup caloric value is 52 calories per tablespoon, molasses 40, corn syrup 60 and honey is 45.
With a glycemic index of 54, maple syrup is considered a low glycemic product, which means it affects blood sugar to a lesser degree than sugar (GI 58) or honey (GI 87). (source: Summary of Health Benefits of Pure Maple Syrup: Summary of Information Compiled by the International Maple Syrup Institute. Accessed at http://www.internationalmaplesyrupinstitute.com/uploads/7/0/9/2/7092109/__nutrition_and_health_benefits_of_pure_maple_syrup.pdf on July 31, 2015)
Minerals have specific and nonspecific nutritional functions in the body metabolism. In pure filtered maple syrup the main minerals present are: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, iron, and selenium.
Per 60 ml (1/4 cup), in % DV | Maple Syrup | HFCS | Honey | White Sugar | Brown Sugar |
Manganese | 100 | 4 | 3 | 0 | 9 |
Riboflavin | 37 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Zinc | 18 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 1 |
Magnesium | 7 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 7 |
Calcium | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
Potassium | 5 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 6 |
Calories | 217 | 220 | 261 | 196 | 211 |
Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) Value Of Maple Syrup
ORAC Value per 100g | µmol TE²/100g | Serving size | µmol TE²/serving |
Brocoli, raw | 1362 | 1 medium (118 g) | 1037 |
Banana, raw | 879 | ½ cup (46 g) | 627 |
Carrot, raw | 666 | 1 (72 g) | 480 |
Maple Syrup | 600 | ¼ cup (60 ml/80 g) | 480 |
Cabbage, raw | 508 | 1 medium (123 g) | 415 |
Tomato, raw | 337 | ½ cup (85 g) | 268 |
Cantaloupe | 315 | ½ cup (37 g) | 188 |
*Percent Daily Value (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet:
- Total Fat 0g 0%
- Cholesterol 0mg 0%
- Sodium 9mg 0%
- Protein 0g 0%
- Total Carbohydrate 67g 22%
- Sugar 60g
- Dietary Fiber 0g
- Vitamin A 0%
- Vitamin C 0%
- Calcium 7%
- Iron 7%
For nutrition information for other serving sizes, visit http://www.nutritiondata.com/facts-C00001-01c21SM.html
So, what ‘s the bottom line here? The final important aspect of this article, and nutrition in general, is how an ingredient or a food affects the body. How are we absorbing it? What happens to our body when we break it down? Does it add to our cellular structure and thus keep us vibrant and healthy (antioxidants), or detract from our health, leeching vital elements from our bodies and speeding up aging (processed food)?
MAPLE syrup is a minimally processed sap from a tree that is a balanced sugar. Maple syrup is a complete sugar, meaning it is not just empty calorie sugar. All of the minerals listed above are a part of this sugar at a chemistry level. It actually has fiber like a whole fruit does, so it is assimilated more slowly at a cellular level and thus there is no spiking in blood sugar levels.
This research comes from a childhood fraught with illness, which launched me onto the path to wellness and eventually led me to be my own independent researcher. This in turn is how I became creative enough as a food alchemist to make my chocolate formulas.
*Disclaimer: This post is a result of personal observation, research, and opinion. None of this information should be taken as medical advice, nor is it intended to be so. At the end of the day, each person is responsible for their own health. Do your research, find what resonates with you, and takes into account your individual needs.
To your health and radiance!